Rich people buy time, poor people buy things. Yeah, yeah. We’ve all heard it said, but what the hell does it actually mean? Real life example coming right up. I bought a house almost 5 years ago. It didn’t have a dishwasher. I really didn’t care. I was used to having my sink piled high […]
Choosing Between- My Baby and a Paycheck
I remember sitting on the couch, pregnant with my youngest son, tears streamed down my face heavily pregnant with my youngest son. I had ALWAYS had stay-at-home mom vibes in my heart, but unexpected fear crashed over me. My life is significantly different now. I am in a healthy relationship. I OWN my own house. […]
From Car Repairs to Extra Income
Ever wondered what you’d do if your car suddenly broke down? It happened to me recently when my power steering gave out. Let me tell you, I’m not exactly a car expert, and driving without power steering? Let’s just say, I was a sight to behold! But this incident got me thinking – what if […]
How Life’s Curveballs Taught Me to Take Control of My Future
For as long as I can remember, I dreamed of working at a school. And when I finally landed my job, I thought I’d stay there forever. I loved the atmosphere, my coworkers, and most of all, the kids. I even had the same schedule as my own kids, which made balancing work and family […]